Dr Champion Iron Gold Phonon Resonance

Fano resonance based on long range surface phonon …

In this paper, we show that by using symmetric geometry, a kind of surface phonon resonance known as long-range surface phonon resonance (LRSPhR) can be excited in MIR. Similar with LR-SPR, the LRSPhR possesses much lower loss than the conventional SPhR and therefore demon-strating a resonance with narrow full width at half maximum (FWHM).

Coherent acoustic phonons in a thin gold film probed by …

We report on coherent phonon detection in a thin gold film by a new femtosecond pump‐probe surface plasmon resonance (SPR) technique. Acoustic coherent phonons are generated impulsively in the gold film on a prism, and they are detected in the time domain through the reflectivity modulation for probe pulses that satisfy the SPR condition.

20th Century Alchemy

Well, my good friend, Dr. John O'M Bockris from Texas A&M University is now conjuring a new breed of scientists fluttering throughout their laboratories adorned in their black robes, wearing …

Champion Iron Reports Exploration Results at Powderhorn Project

Confirmed Continuity of High-Grade Zinc Zone and Addition of Gold to the Expanded Copper Zone. MONTREAL, March 20, 2019 /CNW/ - Champion Iron Limited (TSX: CIA) (ASX: CIA) (the "Company" or "Champion") discloses strong results from its 9,350-m drilling campaign completed in the fall of 2018 at its wholly-owned Powderhorn property, located in …

Consensus Champion Iron Limited

GOLD. CRUDE OIL (WTI) CRUDE OIL (BRENT) SILVER. PLATINUM. Cryptocurrencies. Homepage. Rankings. Charts. Analysis. News. ... Champion Iron Brief: B.Riley On Metals & Mining Noted Benchmark PLV Prices Were 0.9% Lower, Met Equities Were "Largely Flat" and US HRC Price Were Unchanged Week Over Week ... Ecart obj. / dr CHAMPION …

Synergic fabrication of gold – iron oxide magnetic …

Abstract. The major aim of this research hyperthermia and magnetic resonance-high intensity focused ultrasound (MR-HIFU) focused on investigating the potential of aloe vera leaf extract-mediated gold-coated iron oxide nanohybrids (Au-IONPs) as a modern theragnostic material for the treatment of uterine myoma. To assess the cytotoxicity of Au-IONPs, induce …

Human Resonance

Atlantean superalloy Ti 3 Au aurichalcum is recreated using phonon transfer alchemy, offering bulk conversion of copper into a titanium-gold biocompatible superconductor. Atlantean Aurichalcum Reactor specifications and Ti 3 Au …

General Table of Phonon Resonance

1: H: 0.0899: g/l 0o, 1 atm: 1.00735: 99.90%: 37,737,805: 2.64986E-08 : 1: D: 0.0899: g/l 0o, 1 atm: 2.014: 0.05%: 29,955,986: 3.33823E-08 : 2: He3: 0.1785: g/l 0o, 1 ...

7 Nahuange Alchemy

Modern pioneer of phonon resonance alchemy, Dr. J. Champion,11 employed this phonon conferrence process of from one metal to another by wrapping aluminum foil around copper bars to produce silver and gold (above) at 269.3°C and 308.5°C. Champion's work was carried on by this author after a violent attack left him hospitalized with brain

Dr James Champion | MindTree Psychology Mermaid Beach

MindTree Psychology Suite 302, Mermaid Plaza 2400 Gold Coast Highway MERMAID BEACH QLD 4218; reception@mindtreepsychology (07) 5627 0215

Resonance in the Qi Meridian System

Resonance in the Qi Meridian System. The Quantum Trappings of a Golden Age - Part 2. by Alex Putney for Human-Resonance June 16, 2012. The renewed holistic view of all living organisms as biological nuclear reactors -that resonant nuclear transmutations are safely occurring all around us and within us in every moment of our existence-shows modern …

1kg of rock for 20 ounces of gold...

1kg of rock for 20 ounces of gold . ... Announcement of financially viable transmutation of graphite to precious metals with PRT ( Phonon Resonance Technology ) licensed from Dr. Joe Champion. 2 comments. Like. Comment. Share.

Phonon Resonance of Atlantean Superalloys

Copper isotope Cu 65 achieves phonon resonance with iron isotope Fe 58 at rest (20°C) when heated to 339.5°C, where frequency matching occurs at precisely 43,391,894 Hz: Copper may be reprocessed multiple times through the same phonon reactor to increase the content of iron atoms within the copper lattice by resonant conversion, until the ...

Electron–Phonon Relaxation Dynamics of Hot Electrons in Gold …

We report on a pump wavelength-dependent study of electron–phonon relaxation in colloidal solutions of isolated gold nanospheres and nanorods. We varied the pump wavelength over a broad spectral range that covers plasmon-resonant and off-resonant excitations in 40 nm gold nanospheres with a plasmon resonance at 525 nm and 34 × 91 nm gold nanorods with …


The document discusses the mathematics behind phonon resonance, which is the calculation of the physical resonance of an atom or molecule. It explains that each atom resonates at a frequency determined by its physical size. An equation is provided that uses Avogadro's constant, the density of an element, and its atomic mass to calculate the number of atoms in a cubic …

The Geyser Reactor

Carbon dioxide-producing active yeast reactors developed by Joe Champion in 2001 applied phonon resonance formulae, as first conceived by geologist Walter Lussage in 1967, for …

Dr oe CHAMPION -- Transmutation -- Phonon Resonance

According to Champion, aluminum is transformed to gold and silver is transformed to gold in a low energy nuclear reaction. The nano gold atoms are captured in a water bath. …

The Geyser Reactor

Carbon dioxide-producing active yeast reactors developed by Joe Champion in 2001 applied phonon resonance formulae, as first conceived by geologist Walter Lussage in 1967, for biological transmutation of silver surfaces to ... A new resonant class of safe nuclear transmutation systems exemplified by the Ecat reactor of Dr. A. Rossi must ...


The document discusses the possibility of using phonon resonance to produce gold from iron-containing minerals. It explains that the author was able to produce small amounts of gold …

Board of directors | Champion Iron | Iron ore

Under his leadership, Champion Iron has forged a strong position in the green steel supply chain, building on a trust-based partnership with First Nations communities. Prior to joining Champion Iron, he held various management positions with other mining companies operating in the Labrador Trough, including Cliffs Natural Resources Inc. and ...

Resonant Inventions Suppressed by War Policy

Resonant Inventions Suppressed by War Policy 'The War Reaction' to Block Tesla Technology. by Alex Putney for Human-Resonance August 30, 2014. As the grand illusions of falsified history continually fall away, the decisive timing of all genocidal war efforts undertaken by the global fascist syndicate reveals itself as a distraction strategy unleashed as …

Infrared-Phonon--Polariton Resonance of the Nonlinear Susceptibility …

Nonlinear probing of the fundamental lattice vibration of polar crystals is shown to reveal insight into higher-order cohesive lattice forces. With a free-electron laser tunable in the far infrared we experimentally investigate the dispersion of the second-order susceptibility due to the phonon resonance in GaAs. We observe a strong resonance enhancement of second …

Theoretical Study of Efficient Photon–Phonon …

Tungsten (W) is an extremely rare and vital metal extensively used in metallurgy, the chemical industry, optoelectronic devices, and machinery manufacturing. In this work, an environmentally friendly and efficient physical …

Thermal Conductivity and Phonon Resonance Scattering

VOLUME 8, NUMBER 12 PHYSI CAI. REVIEW LETTERS JUNs 15, 1962 THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY AND PHONON RESONANCE SCATTERING R. O. Pohl Laboratory of Atomic and Solid State Physics, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York (Received May 3, 1962) A resonance interaction between phonons and the electron spin of paramagnetic ions has been …

Dr oe CHAMPION -- Transmutation -- Phonon Resonance

Dimensional phonon resonance occurs when the space occupied by one isotope is exactly the same as that of another isotope in its rest state. This event only occur under the following two …

Thermal Conductivity and Phonon Resonance Scattering

Thermal Conductivity and Phonon Resonance Scattering R. O. Pohl Phys. Rev. Lett. 8, 481 – Published 15 June 1962

4 Quasicrystals & Bismuth to Gold

gold according to the same advanced Vedic method applied by Atlantean metallurgists >13,000 years ago. High scientific knowledge concerning atomic resonance once possessed by our global Paleo-Sanskrit motherculture has been re-discovered and expressed anew in the modern terms of phonon resonance physics.

Resonance in Atomic Conversion

The physics of phonon resonance now confirms the experimental research of a lesser-known German alchemist named Franz Tausend, revealing the authenticity of his early breakthroughs in the resonant atomic transmutation of lead into …

Size-Dependent Electron–Phonon Coupling in Monocrystalline Gold

Hot electrons in metal nanoparticles thermalize with the lattice via electron–phonon coupling. Size dependency is controversially discussed in literature. Here we investigate poly- and monocrystalline gold nanoparticles via transient absorption spectroscopy. As reported earlier, electron–phonon coupling in polycrystalline particles is not size-dependent. However, we …

Joe Champion Transmutation | PDF | Metals | Gold

Joe Champion Transmutation - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. LENC has developed a new process that can convert over 95% of copper into silver, gold, palladium, and …

Real Alchemy? Is Joe Champion is Turning Copper to Gold?

Dr. Champion's phonon resonance formula provides the resonant frequency of gold (Au) in its rest state as 38,931,841 Hz and the 107 Ag isotope of silver as 38,962,532 Hz …

Resonant Atomic Transmutation of Silver into Gold

Gas absorption periods of prolonged dwell-time at phonon resonance with the gold target element are interrupted by controlled rapid cooling events that accomplish the quantum trapping of absorbed gas atoms within the contracting metal lattice. This cyclical process is repeated dozens of times over each 2-week production run, with successive ...

About Champion | Champion Iron | Iron ore

Champion Iron presented the results of a preliminary feasibility study for the Consolidated Fire Lake North (CFLN) project, located in the center of the Fermont Iron Ore District (FIOD). The study estimates the CFLN's net present value at …

20th Century Alchemy

special thanks to Dr. John O'M Bockris, who through his wiry Brit humor, forced me to strive to the highest level ... Chapter III Explanation of Resonance Reaction 39 Chapter IV Experimental Examples 43 Chapter V Analytical Analysis of Experiments 53 ... gold, makes thy own rules." J. Champion In this book, you will learn different procedures ...

Data Math

The document discusses the mathematics behind phonon resonance, which is the calculation of the physical resonance of an atom or molecule. It explains that each atom resonates at a …

Dr. Paolo Champion, MD | Memorial Hermann

Meet Dr. Paolo Champion, MD, Urological Surgery in 16605 Southwest Fwy 250 Sug 77479 Paolo Charles Champion 1982670998 MSOW. Find phone number, office address, bio, maps and more.