Hepatic Iron Concentration

Pathology of Hepatic Iron Overload

hepatic iron concentration. HJV. hemojuvelin. NAFLD. nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. TFR. transferrin receptor. Overview. Hemochromatosis is the group of disorders caused by systemic iron overload. These can be inherited (hereditary hemochromatosis [HH]) or secondary to a number of conditions, such as multiple blood transfusions ...

hepatic Iron index

In time, the hepatic iron concentration may plateau as the storage capacity of the liver is exceeded (8). Interpretation (including caveats) 1. A HII of greater than 1.9 in a non-cirrhotic liver is strongly suggestive of HH. 2. Not all patients with HH have a HII greater than 1.9. In one study of an ethnically diverse US population, 7% of ...

Hepatic iron concentration and total body iron stores in …

The hepatic iron concentration is a reliable indicator of total body iron stores in patients with thalassemia major. In patients with transfusion-related iron overload, repeated determinations of the hepatic iron concentration can provide a quantitative means of measuring the long-term iron balance.

Determination of hepatic iron concentration in fresh and …

Background/aims: Determination of hepatic iron concentration (HIC) is essential for the evaluation of hereditary hemochromatosis. Occasionally, only paraffin-embedded liver biopsy specimens are available, or fresh biopsy specimens have been placed in saline for transport. This study aimed to describe a method for extraction of liver tissue from ...

(PDF) Quantification of hepatic iron concentration using …

Hepatic iron was assessed by hepatic iron concentration and Deugnier's score, histological grading and staging by Ishak's score, and frequency of haemochromatosis gene mutations by polymerase chain reaction-restriction assays. Iron deposits were found in hepatocytes (94% of the patients), sinusoidal tracts (88%) and portal cells ...

Serum ferritin concentration predicts hepatic fibrosis better …

Thus, rather than acting as a passive indicator of hepatic iron concentration (HIC) in haemochromatosis, ferritin may directly influence fibrosis. This study evaluated whether serum ferritin is a better predictor of hepatic fibrosis compared to variables previously associated with increased fibrosis risk in haemochromatosis.

Quantification of liver iron concentration using the …

Introduction. Iron is a necessary component of human physiology. However, excessive iron accumulation may lead to damage due to the formation of toxic free radicals (1-3).Particularly, iron overload in the liver may cause cirrhosis, tissue damage or liver failure ().Quantification of the liver iron concentration (LIC) is indispensable in the monitoring of …

Hepatic Iron Concentration in Hereditary Hemochromatosis …

ether saturation of HIC occurred in HH. Methods: Fifty-four patients (32 male, 22 ) with homozygous HH were evaluated, and HIC was measured in liver biopsies. Patients were subjected to weekly phlebotomy (500 ml) until the transferrin saturation was <50% and/or the serum ferritin concentration was <50 μg/L. The relationship between HIC and total body iron …

Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging …

A higher liver iron concentration, as indicated by elevated R2 values, is associated with an increased risk of hepatic decompensation, hepatocellular carcinoma, …

Value of liver iron concentration in healthy volunteers

Studies have shown that R2* increases systematically with hepatic iron concentration 10. This parameter has a high correlation with biopsy measurements and could …

Liver Iron Quantification with MR Imaging: A Primer for …

Iron overload is a systemic disorder and is either primary (genetic) or secondary (exogenous iron administration). Primary iron overload is most commonly associated with hereditary hemochromatosis and secondary iron overload with ineffective erythropoiesis (predominantly caused by β-thalassemia major and sickle cell disease) that requires long-term …

Javascript converting T2* to Iron Concentration in MRI

MRI R2 and R2* mapping accurately estimates hepatic iron concentration in transfusion-dependent thalassemia and sickle cell disease patients. Blood, 106, 4:1460-5. Blood, 106, 4:1460-5. Liver T2* 3T(ms) Liver Iron Concentration mg/g (Normal Range: 0.17-1.8)

Value of liver iron concentration in healthy volunteers

It also allows for quantifying liver iron concentration (LIC) in patients. However, this is an invasive method with significant limitations and possible risks. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and ...

Quick Reference Sheet for Measurement of Liver Fat, …

University of Wisconsin Department of Radiology Scott Reeder, MD, PhD 4/16/2019 2. Iron Overload: Quantification of iron overload can also made using "IDEAL-IQ" through measurement of R2* from the R2* map. R2* is the rate of signal decay in the liver and is measured in s-1 (or 1/s, but not Hz). R2* is linearly related to liver iron concentration (mg …

MR Quantification of Hepatic Iron Concentration | Radiology

The relationship between hepatic iron concentration and SI ratio for each sequence was analyzed with multiple linear regression. Receiver operating characteristic analysis was performed to find the diagnostic thresholds. RESULTS: Sixty-eight patients had normal hepatic iron levels (<36 μmol/g), 23 had hemosiderosis (36–80 μmol/g), and 21 ...

Hepatic iron concentration does not influence response to …

In patients with chronic hepatitis C, prior studies have suggested that increased hepatic iron concentration (HIC) is predictive of a poor response to interferon (IFN) monotherapy. The aim of this study was to assess the importance of HIC on the virologic response to therapy with IFN alone or when combined with ribavirin. Records of 91 patients ...

Hepatic Iron Concentration: Noninvasive Estimation by …

PURPOSE: To identify a magnetic resonance (MR) imaging method sufficiently sensitive and specific in the estimation of hepatic iron content to obviate liver biopsy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty-eight patients underwent percutaneous needle biopsy of the liver with chemical measurement of the hepatic iron concentration and hepatic MR imaging …

MRI R2 and R2* mapping accurately estimates hepatic iron concentration

Introduction. Hepatic iron concentration (HIC) is used as a surrogate for total iron balance to guide chelation therapy in transfusion-dependent patients. 1, 2 Unfortunately, liver biopsy is invasive and provides only indirect information regarding other organ systems. Biomagnetic susceptibility measurements by superconducting quantum interference device, or …

Guidelines for quantifying iron overload | Hematology, …

In hyperabsorption syndromes such as thalassemia intermedia or hereditary hemochromatosis, the iron absorption rates fluctuate significantly in response to diet, gastrointestinal acidity, and liver iron concentration (LIC), making it nearly impossible to predict rates of iron accumulation from first principles. 1 In contrast, secondary iron overload …

Liver Iron Concentration (Concept Id: C4086551)

Liver Iron Concentration; Professional guidelines. PubMed. Iron Chelation Therapy as a Modality of Management. Aydinok Y Hematol Oncol Clin North Am 2018 Apr;32(2):261-275. Epub 2018 Jan 17 doi: 10.1016/j.hoc.2017.12.002. PMID: 29458731. Consequences and management of iron overload in sickle cell disease.

Iron, Liver Tissue

A hepatic iron concentration above 10,000 mcg/g dry weight is diagnostic for hemochromatosis. Hepatic iron concentrations above 3000 mcg/g are seen when there is iron overload without cellular injury and cirrhosis. Hepatic iron concentrations greater than the reference range are associated with hemosiderosis, thalassemia, and sideroblastic anemia.

T2* Relaxometry for Iron Concentration

T2* Relaxometry for Iron Concentration [ Instructions] [ Documentation] [ Save as default] TE: SI | Truncation: Auto (SNR) [experimental] T2* R2* LIC. R 2: ms: Hz: mg/g. LIC: 2 [normal] | 2 - 7 [light] | 7 - 15 [moderate] | > 15 [severe] | part of the mcdcm project. free for non-commercial use.

Hepatic iron concentration: noninvasive estimation by means …

Purpose: To identify a magnetic resonance (MR) imaging method sufficiently sensitive and specific in the estimation of hepatic iron content to obviate liver biopsy. Materials and methods: Thirty-eight patients underwent percutaneous needle biopsy of the liver with chemical measurement of the hepatic iron concentration and hepatic MR imaging with several spin …

Methods to determine hepatic iron content

The risk of complications related to fibrosis and cirrhosis increases when there is significant iron overload, which is defined as hepatic iron concentration (HIC) greater than three times the upper limit of normal (greater than 90 micromol/g dry weight).

Long-Term Dexamethasone Exposure Down-Regulates Hepatic …

Chronic Dex administration reduced liver iron concentration (p = 0.02) in rats. Hepatic transferrin receptor 1 (TFR1) expression was lowered at the protein level (p = 0.03), yet with uncoupled mRNA abundance in Dex-treated rats. Enhanced iron-regulatory protein (IRP)/iron-responsive element (IRE) binding activity was observed, but did not line ...

Hemochromatosis | Radiology Reference Article

MRI is not only the most sensitive imaging modality for the diagnosis of hemochromatosis but is also able to estimate iron concentration within the liver, thus forestalling the need for repeated biopsies 6. Diagnosis. Visceral iron results in susceptibility artifact which leads to T2* signal loss. The result is a low signal that is seen on all ...

Liver Iron Quantification Using MRI at 3T or 1.5 Tesla

IMPRESSION: Calculated liver iron concentration is mg of iron/grams of dry liver weight. Measure ROI in 3 areas. Include right and left hepatic lobes and avoid areas of artifact, large …

What is liver iron concentration (LIC)?

Measurement of iron content in liver used as reference point for estimating total body iron stores. May be quantified using: Liver biopsy with direct histological visualization; iron deposition: Is typically evaluated on a semi-quantitative scale based on Prussian Blue staining of iron granules.

Hepatic iron concentration in hereditary hemochromatosis …

Objective: Biochemical measurement of the hepatic iron concentration (HIC) is essential for the diagnosis of hereditary hemochromatosis (HH). The aim of this study was to determine whether the HIC at the time of diagnosis could predict the subsequent phlebotomy requirements and to determine whether saturation of HIC occurred in HH.

Determination of the R2* relaxation rate constant for

Purpose: Α customized approach to determine R 2 * relaxation rate for hepatic iron concentration (HIC) estimation is presented, and is evaluated in the context of concurrent liver fat infiltration. Methods: The proposed method employs a customized acquisition protocol, featuring a 16-echo, gradient-echo sequence, and a bi-exponential least squares fitting that …


Hepatic iron concentrations above 3000 mcg/g are seen when there is iron overload without cellular injury and cirrhosis. Hepatic iron concentrations greater than the reference range are …

Increased hepatic iron concentration in nonalcoholic steatohepatitis is

Background & aims: Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is a chronic liver disease that occasionally progresses to cirrhosis but usually has a benign course. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of the hemochromatosis mutation Cys282Tyr in development of the mild hepatic iron overload found in some patients with NASH and its association with hepatic …

Hepatic iron concentration, fibrosis and response to …

The entire ferroportin coding region was sequenced and hepatic iron concentration, histology and response to treatment were determined. The results were compared with previously reported cases. The A77D mutation was detected in patient 1, his father (patient 2) and his brother (patient 3), who had portal fibrosis. ...

Guidelines for quantifying iron overload | Hematology, ASH …

MRI R2 and R2* mapping accurately estimates hepatic iron concentration in transfusion-dependent thalassemia and sickle cell disease patients,

Iron Calculator Instructions

The calculator will fit the data points, tell you the T2*, and compute the liver iron concentration. Report the T2* value, the liver iron concentration, and reference the article by Wood et al. in Blood 2005; 106: 1460-1465. To perform the analysis, draw an ROI around the liver, excludng as much portal vein and IVC as you can.