Smelting Of Chromite And Laterite Ore

Morphology, composition and dissolution of chromite in …

The morphological and chemical composition of chromite in the partially-serpentinized harzburgite and oxide zone of two laterite profiles at the Goro lateritic nickel deposit, New Caledonia, were investigated to: (1) establish the melt conditions at the mantle-crust boundary during ophiolite formation, and (2) characterize the weathering of chromite and its …

Influence of Slag Basicity on the Silicon Within the Stainless …

Chromite and laterite ores from local sources were smelted in a vertical tube furnace with activated carbon as reducing agent at 1400°C to 1550°C using graphite crucible under argon atmosphere. ... Experiments on the smelting reduction of chromite ore in a 1-kg middle frequency induction furnace showed that the reduction is controlled by the ...

Behavior of chromium in the reduction and smelting of high …

In this study, the behavior of chromium during the smelting of nickel laterite ore was thermodynamically and experimentally studied. The suitable slag composition was …

Direct Smelting of Chromite and Laterite Ores with Carbon …

Chromite and laterite ores from local sources were smelted in a vertical tube furnace with activated carbon as reducing agent at 1400°C to 1550°C using graphite crucible under argon atmosphere. It is shown that the grade and composition of the ore are the main factors determining the feasibility of smelting a mixture of chromite and laterite ores to …

ISSN (Print) : 0974-6846 ISSN (Online) : 0974-5645 …

2.5 Smelting Processes Different chromite and laterite mixtures for reduction smelting were selected on the bases of possibly obtaining higher amounts of chromium and nickel in the metal and Figure 1. Point locations of the ore compositions in the MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 Ternary phase diagram at 1 atmospheric pressure.

Potential Toxic Effects of Chromium, Chromite Mining …

By exposing chromite ore to aboveground conditions that promote weathering and oxidation, Cr-III may be converted to mobile Cr-VI. Dry milling (grinding) of chromite ore is now known to convert Cr-III to Cr-VI and efforts are required to avoid producing and spreading hexavalent chromium during mining activity.

Enhanced Chromium Recovery in the Smelting of Ferronickel Along with

The rotary kiln-electric furnace process accounts for two-thirds of the global nickel output. The raw laterite nickel ore contains approximately 1–5 wt.% Cr2O3, but its recovery is limited during smelting. Due to the inefficient utilization, the accumulated Cr-containing slags are potential environmental risks. This work provides positive results regarding enhanced …

Direct smelting process for stainless steel crude …

Stainless steel crude alloy recovery from direct smelting of low-grade chromite, nickel laterite and manganese ores was investigated. The mixed low-grade ores were directly smelted in an elevator ...

(PDF) Optimization of Process Parameter for Smelting and …

The details of the smelting, alloys and slag produced were given in the following section. 3.1 Smelting of chromite ore pellets having Cr/ Fe ratio 2.4 Based on the calculation made for the charge mix, smelting reduction of chromite ore pellets containing Cr/ Fe ratio 2.4 were carried out in 100 KVA SAF as shown in figure 3.1.


The chromite ore fro m Siayan, Zamboanga del Norte, nic kel laterite ores from Surigao d istrict and manganese ore from Tunga wan, Zamboanga Sibugay in the Philippines were the raw materials used ...

Direct Smelting of Chromite and Laterite Ores with Carbon …

Chromite and laterite ores from local sources were smelted in a vertical tube furnace with activated carbon as reducing agent at 1400°C to 1550°C using graphite crucible under argon atmosphere. It is shown that the grade and composition of the ore are the main factors determining the feasibility of smelting a mixture of chromite and laterite ores to produce a …

Preparation of stainless steel master alloy by direct smelting

Feasibility analysis and experimental studies for the production of a stainless steel master alloy by direct smelting reduction have been investigated in this work, showing that the master alloy with proper compositions and satisfactory metal recoveries can be obtained at 1600°C. When the temperature was increased from 1450 to 1600°C, the grades for Fe, Ni and …

Fe-Ni-Cr Crude Alloy Production from Direct Smelting of …

grade and composition of chromite and laterite ores are the main factors to produce the alloy. The smelting of 10-13% SCO chromite ore and 87 – 90% LIM laterite ore produced alloys …


The invention provides a kind of chromite fine ore sintering processing method produced for stainless steel, chromite powder is mainly carried out granulation sintering by the method after laterite, because the wettability of laterite and water is good, in pelletization, laterite just can adhere to as forming core particle and chromite fine ore mutually grows up, granulate …

Effect of manganese ore and basicity on the consolidation

The main raw materials in this study include nickel laterite concentrate (NL), chromite concentrate (CH), manganese concentrate (MA). The chemical composition of the raw materials is illustrated in Table 1.It can be seen that the NL is characterized by high magnesia (22.54wt%MgO) and silica (33.68wt%SiO 2) contents and low nickel (1.35 wt%) and iron …

Review on comprehensive utilization of nickel laterite ore

Nickel laterite ore smelting slag is a byproduct of the ferronickel alloy production process. Due to the low nickel content in the ore, a substantial amount of slag is generated. ... Optimization of process parameters and dissolution kinetics of nickel and cobalt from lateritic chromite overburden using organic acids. J Chem Technol Biot, 89 ...

Direct smelting process for stainless steel crude alloy …

Stainless steel crude alloy recovery from direct smelting of low-grade chromite, nickel laterite and manganese ores was investigated. The mixed low-grade ores were directly smelted in an elevator furnace at smelting temperatures ranging from 1550 to 1600 °C. Smelting experiments were conducted in a laboratory elevator furnace equipped with 8 U-shaped high …

Direct Smelting of Chromite and Laterite Ores with

Chromite and laterite ores from local sources were smelted in a vertical tube furnace with activated carbon as reducing agent at 1400°C to 1550°C using graphite crucible …

Direct smelting process for stainless steel crude alloy recovery …

Stainless steel crude alloy recovery from direct smelting of low-grade chromite, nickel laterite and manganese ores was investigated. The mixed low-grade ores were directly smelted in an elevator furnace at smelting temperatures ranging from 1550 to 1600 °C. Smelting experiments were conducted in a laboratory elevator furnace equipped with 8 U …

Feasibility of nickel extraction from indian chromite …

chromite ore. About 5-10 million tons of overburden is generating every year in opencast chromite mining ... For Laterite ore smelting, slags can be expressed by the FeO-Fe 2 O 3-SiO 2 system. The final nickel bearing product depend …

Fe-Ni-Cr Crude Alloy Production from Direct Smelting of Chromite …

The smelting of 10-13% SCO chromite ore and 87 – 90% LIM laterite ore produced alloys with average iron, nickel and chromium content about 82%, 6.22% and 2.17%, respectively, at an average iron, nickel and chromium recovery of 98%, 97% and 87%, respectively. ... The feasibility of producing Fe-Ni-Cr crude alloy by direct smelting of chromite ...

Direct smelting process for stainless steel crude alloy …

Stainless steel production relies on melting ferrochromium and ferronickel alloys with scrap iron in an electric arc furnace. Chromite is the only source of the ferrochromium alloy, whereas …


The chromite ore from Siayan, Zamboanga del Norte, nickel laterite ores from Surigao district and m anganese ore from Tungawan, Zamboanga Sibugay in the Philippines were the raw materials used in ...

Romie D. Laranjo1,* and Vannie Joy T. Resabal2

Keywords: Mass transfer coefficient; Stainless steel crude alloy; Nickel laterite ore; Chromite ore _____ 1. Introduction Pyrometallurgical smelting processes occur at very high temperatures and chemical reactions usually occur very fast at these temperatures, so chemical reactions are usually not rate-controlling.

Direct smelting process for stainless steel crude alloy …

Stainless steel crude alloy recovery from direct smelting of low-grade chromite, nickel laterite and manganese ores was investigated. The mixed low-grade ores were directly …

Chromium occurrence in a nickel laterite profile and its implications

The Rio Tuba Ni laterite deposit (Fig. 1 b) is situated 800 km southwest of Manila and lies at the municipality of Bataraza at the southern tip of the narrow NE-SW trending Palawan province (Fig. 1 a).The deposit is characterized by a thick (~20 m) well-developed Ni laterite profile (Ogura et al., 1987) derived from the Late Cretaceous Palawan Ophiolite (Hirai et al., …

Behavior of chromium in the reduction and smelting of high …

Furthermore, chromium is widely used as one of the alloying elements in stainless steel because of its excellent resistance to oxidation and corrosion [[18], [19], [20]].Laterite ore generally contains 1–5 wt% Cr 2 O 3 [13].However, chromium oxides are more difficult to be reduced compared to iron oxides and nickel oxides [21, 22].The recovery of chromium is …

Feasibility of nickel extraction from Indian chromite …

30 Keywords: Nickel pig; Solid state reduction; Smelting; chromite over burden; Recovery. 31 32 1: Introduction 1 33 Traditionally nickel is extracted from laterite and sulphide nickel ores. Around 70% nickel occurs as a 34 lateritic ore reserves, but 60% of the world production of nickel is coming from sulphide ores and rest 35 comes from ...

Technology Innovations in the Smelting of Chromite Ore

The traditional chromite smelting technology involves charging the chromite ore into a submerged AC Electric Arc Furnace (Figure 1) and reductants (coke, coal and quartzite) …


The pyrometallurgical smelting of the laterite-nickel ore is widely applied in the preparation process of stainless steel, and good economic benefit is obtained; in the preparation process of the nickel-rich cathode material of the ternary lithium ion power battery, hydrometallurgy, particularly high-pressure acid leaching presents unique charm ...


study aimed at assessing isothermal reduction smelting of additional mixed samples of chromite/laterite ores to produce directly Fe-Cr-Ni metal alloys in a single route manner. Chromite and laterite ores were obtained at Zambales and Surigao del Norte provinces, Philippines. Isothermal smelting was conducted to samples, 6/94 and 35/65

Roasting and Leaching Behavior of Nickel Laterite Ore

Abstract Nickel is mostly extracted from sulfide ores, however, laterite ores account for over 60 pct of all nickel resources in the world, and despite its predominance, there is no well-established process to extract nickel from such ores. Nickel in laterites is hosted in many different compounds such as oxides, hydroxides, and silicates minerals. The sulfation-roasting …


The traditional production of stainless steel follows a long-way process which requires high energy consumption and increase emissions of CO and CO2 gases. This study aimed at assessing isothermal reduction smelting of additional mixed samples of

Aspects of smelting reduction of chromite ore fines in CaO …

At 1600°C and 3 h of smelting, satisfactory recoveries of the metals within the alloy were observed, showing further that the charge mixture containing 15% chromite ore, 85% saprolite-type nickel ...

Enhanced Chromium Recovery in the Smelting of Ferronickel …

The raw laterite nickel ore contains approximately 1–5 wt.% Cr 2 O 3, but its recovery is limited during smelting. Due to the inefficient utilization, the accumulated Cr …